Design of white t-shirt Frida Kahlo

Design of white t-shirt Frida Kahlo



White t-shirt design of with vector conntour face of frida khalo in black, with red roses on top of hair. The face is split in half verticaly, the two parts of vector are swiched. The left part is slightily moved up.

White t-shirt design of with vector conntour face of frida khalo in black, with red roses on top of hair. The face is split in half verticaly, the two parts of vector are swiched. the left part is slightily moved up. Design by Correct Studio
Fit short hair blond woman with sligh pinkish hair wearing a White t-shirt. The design of the -t-shirt is a contour face of frida khalo in black, with red roses on top of hair. The face is split in half verticaly, the two parts of design are swiched with space between them. the left part is slightily moved up. Design by Correct Studio

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